Friday, August 27, 2010

Non-Surgical Face-Lifting Techniques

More and more people decide not to undergo surgery when it comes to having a face lift. The wide variety of medical spa treatments are available in the market today means that you can enjoy a facial rejuvenation lunch is not only fast but also relatively painless, with virtually no recovery time. So if you fancy a quick point non-surgical setting, plumping and even a bit of relaxation wrinkles - without having to opt for a heavy hospital stay - Continue reading ...

1) Mesotherapy for facial and neck rejuvenation

If it is French, has to be good, right? Mais oui! This treatment was started 60 years ago by the extraordinary French, Monsieur Michel Pistor. It involves injecting a specially formulated blend of vitamins, minerals and medications to improve parts of the face and body, giving an elegant shape, new. It is considered especially effective for sagging necks and faces, but is also used to treat skin conditions, cellulite and more.

Pro: Side effects are limited, as the work is located in the areas that need work only.

Against: The effects can be very visible, at best.

2) The facial acupuncture

It is believed that the insertion of needles into specific points on the side can stimulate collagen production, which is produced naturally in our bodies and makes us look younger. But is acupuncture really an ancient Chinese secret facial, or simply a modern Western scam?

Pro: Relatively painless with virtually no recovery time needed

Con: If you have a needle phobia, this is not the treatment for you.

3) The oxygen facial

If you want to pay much money to get some air spray in the face, try an oxygen facial. In reality, not just the Big O that I realized: oxygen "spray" also contains a mixture of collagen, vitamins and minerals that are designed to smooth wrinkles and fat face. Breath of fresh air or air so hot? You decide.

Pro: It's super trendy, well-known stars such as Madonna reportedly big fans.

Against: Skeptics say it does not really work, and that any short-term "plumping effect is really only mild inflammation caused by oxygen acts as an irritant.

4) Radio-Frequency Facial Treatment

The idea is simple: special radio waves heat the collagen beneath the skin of the face, what shrink. When finished, your face should appear smooth and firm. It is also reported to help reduce the effects of minor acne, rosacea and the uneven pigmentation.

Pro: Unlike laser treatments looking for a similar effect (see below), this is not invasive.

Cons: A major change will only occur after a series of treatments.

5) Laser Skin Tightening

An infrared light heats the collagen under the skin on your face, so it is tight. This is achieved by rapid pulses of light blasting, which can be slightly uncomfortable. Most patients say they feel like having a rubber band broke several times in the skin (sounds fun, right?). The effects are much less dramatic than with laser skin, but also less risky.

Pro: The first results are visible immediately.

Con: At least two weeks to three different treatments or one month apart are required for maximum effectiveness.

6) Microdermabrasion
small aluminum oxide crystals are sprayed in the face with a device similar to a jet of sand. The crystals are abrasive and aims to remove the top layer of skin, leaving a new layer soft as a baby's bottom. These days, even a miracle can make at home, thanks to a special "do it yourself" kits. Parisian Peel also nicknamed, is largely considered softer than the chemical peel (see below).

Pro: Works best with skin that is scarred, sun damaged or showing signs of aging too.

Cons: Although advertised as completely painless, can cause irritation and discomfort, and in some cases can lead to a nasty rash.

7) chemical peel

If throwing acid on your face sounds like fun, try this! Seriously, a chemical peel is very similar to microdermabrasion that his goal is to renew the way your face looks and feels to get rid of the damaged top layer of skin to reveal softer layer seconds. This is accomplished by using a chemical mixture of phenolic acids and especially designed to improve their appearance.

Pro: In some cases, chemical peels were successful in getting rid of acne and precancerous growths, as well as reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines associated with aging.

Against: Some people have adverse reactions to certain acids, such as Alphahydroxy acid, used in chemical peels, and may experience redness, tightening and sharp bite. Remember when Samantha Sex and the city had a zest for lunch went wrong? Ay!

8) Botox

Sounds too good to be true: scientists have discovered that a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria can paralyze facial muscles, get rid of wrinkles visible in its entirety. Small amounts are injected into certain parts of the body block nerve impulses to these muscles, as referred to in the eyes and forehead, effectively erasing wrinkles and fine lines - temporarily. Larger amounts, when ingested, can cause food poisoning. Is not science wonderful?

Pro: A 15-minute treatment can run for months, with immediate results.

Against: Too much Botox can give freezeface: if you still want to show any expression in all easy going, otherwise people will not know if you're smiling or about to vomit.

9) The filler injections

They are certainly cheaper and less invasive than going under the knife, and injections of dermal fillers like Restylane or Perlane have been quite successful in making people look much younger. Made of hyaluronic acid from animal sources, Perlane is better suited for deeper wrinkles her sister Restylane. Both injectable gels are manufactured by the Swedish company itself and are suitable for people with allergies to animals or eggs.

Pro: As a topical anesthetic is administered before the injections are relatively pain-free.

With: Courses of injections are not cheap and regular refills are needed for best effect.

Looking younger has never been easier. But while there are plenty of medical spas around these days, always a good idea to visit a reputable and shop around before taking the plunge. It may also be treated by a physician rather than a technician to reduce the risk of something going wrong. Do your research carefully and choose the latest fashion unless documented medical tests to back it up. Remember: you get what you pay!

The information contained in the article is not intended to substitute for medical expertise and advice of your health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with appropriate medical professional.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Face Lifting - Lifting the Aging Face

Facelifting is an inherent part of plastic surgery and one of the first cosmetic procedures performed. But nevertheless, the general public remains largely misunderstood.

The general public perception of a facelift .... based on television programs and internet ... is a person after surgery to have this one eye bruised his neck and his face wrapped in a heavy bandage ... as having been involved in an accident. And it will take weeks to see even good enough to go out in public. In fact, this belief is quite inaccurate.

Facelift for the name of the surgery is misleading. Not really describe what makes surgery and what are the objectives of the procedure are. More specifically, a facelift should be called a neck lift, chin, because this is what really helps. It is ideal for tightening the neck and cheek lift. The original name for a facelift, rhytidectomy, should be more accurately described as a necklilft or cervicoplasty. (Remodelling of the neck), however, cosmetic surgery and persists name, as it always is embedded in our nomenclature plastic surgery.

Therefore, when you realize that only the neck and throat are affected by the proceeding, many of their misconceptions fade. In isolation as a separate procedure (which half of my 'lifting' patients only have), a facelift does not cause bruising or swelling of the nose up. While many patients get their eyes facelift, forehead, nose and other facial procedures done at the same time, this is not a requirement and is only done if one wants the total face rejuvenated. I think that after a facelift isolated, one can see very well in a week and can be easily in public in a few days with a little makeup on the neck area. No swelling occurs around the eyes to all!

One of the misconceptions good cosmetic surgery is what is actually done in the operation. A cosmetic surgery is on all the layers of tissue and elevation vectors. The lifting of the skin from the underlying tissues by the side of the face (on the cheek area) and around the neck through incisions around the ears and is obvious in any diagram of a cosmetic surgery. And the movement of loose skin back and over the ears at an angle of 45 degrees to the face, probably represents about 80% - 90% of the result created by a facelift. And often this is the only tissue moved in a facelift. This is the simplest, quickest and safest approach. Recent developments have cosmetic surgery to lift the deeper layers of the skin. These deep layer that can be moved independently of the skin, is a special layer of tissue covering the muscle. This tissue, called SMAS is lifted and sutured in a more vertical compared to the direction of skin extract, about 60 degrees usually. Wrongly, the public has the impression that the facial muscles move whichi can not do. At the top of the muscle is the SMAS. There is considerable debate about whether the most profound "version of cosmetic surgery produce better long term results that the movement of the skin only.

The neck, lift jowls, historically known as a facelift, two different layers can lift the sagging facial tissues in two slightly different and backward directions.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Laser Method for Face Lifting

You may have already heard or read about the latest in the world face lift - laser face lift procedures. Many people are now saying that this is a better choice for those seeking to improve and rejuvenate the look of your face. If you are interested in this new face lift procedure then read on to see if this is a convenient option for you.

A laser face lift procedure is a non-invasive alternative to traditional face lift surgery. As its name implies, uses laser technology to improve the appearance of your face. Is believed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines of the face, the repaving of the outer layers of facial skin. You can choose to have the procedure done in his entire face or just on a few particular areas, such as around the eyes.

The laser technique has many similarities with other popular non-invasive cosmetic procedures such as peeling and dermabrasion. Those promoting the complaint procedure to its greatest benefit are the fact that laser technology makes it easy to control the depth of treatment, in direct contrast to other face lift procedures and techniques. It is also said to offer a better aesthetic result, for technical firms collagen matrix directly beneath the surface of your skin. 
 But, of course, even the fairest of roses has its thorns. Such is the case with laser face lift. No matter how well one speaks of some people, there can be no argument that the procedure entails considerable risk and potential complications. Although minor discomfort during the first week or two after treatment may be considered normal, the possibility of having significant permanent changes in pigmentation of his skin is something you should be careful not to.

Not only that, the procedure also involves considerable expense, a bit of recovery and healing time, and a significant amount of pain. To illustrate this, you may experience what is known as weeping sensitive skin for about ten days after the face lift. After ten days of tortuous, your skin begins to change color from red to pink to a lighter shade. The bad news is that the treated area is often lighter in color than the surrounding area, so if you already have dark skin to begin with, the result can be very attractive indeed.

You can also have the possibility of infection and anesthesia risks to ruin their plans more attractive look and feel.

Non-invasive procedures are also known to cause harmful side effects such as swelling, especially if you're not very careful about avoiding the sun for at least six months after treatment. As if this is not enough, there were even reports of unsatisfactory results of these procedures. So not only are you risking your skin with this technology, but also may be wasting your money too. It is a very attractive option when it comes to thinking about it, right?

Face Lift procedures can be a perspective Scary. Before proceeding with any procedure you should look at alternatives.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Does not take much convincing to persuade anyone to reduce lines and wrinkles and try to restore some of the attractions smooth skin of youth. Who could have imagined 40 years ago that you can activate the "radio" frequencies, just below the skin, and see what kind of stretching of the skin improves as age seems the reverse.

Just like a face lift without the knife: Raising his face as the skin smooth results without surgery sounds too good to be true. However, as the chances of body image are quickly outbreak within the cosmetic enhancement industry because of the crushing demands for smaller and looks more attractive body shape. Different types of light-energy devices have emerged that exploit the therapeutic potential of modified power devices as well as a respectable fear of surgery anxiety in the general population.

Thermage face lift : When electrical energy is modified conventional radio frequencies, all kinds of interesting changes in the body of targeting and metabolism can be created. Radio frequency energy moves through the device transducer thermage to be just under the skin on your face.

In this sub depth of the dermis, this surge of energy causes your body reacts curious and beneficial. On the one hand, even middle-aged skin known to be slow growing, thin and wrinkled usually responds (as an inflammatory response) by activating the production of more collagen. You ask "why"? Well, this is equivalent increase skin collagen to fill-in-one ditch. Only in this case a new supply of collagen results in an accumulation of which pushes up your facial skin, filling in fine lines and wrinkles.

What about deep furrows and wrinkles? Realistically, it would take a "complete radio spectrum" of thermage radio frequency devices as therapy for the treatment of serious and deep facial rock crevices. For these extreme cases, the traditional facelift or brow lift more liposuction surgery could become the most practical and economical solution aesthetics.
The cold light laser skin resurfacing : When your local clinical skin care does not invest in the trend-setting equipment such as Thermage treatment, you want to look equally useful, as technology surgical laser skin resurfacing, or microdermabrasion.

These skin rejuvenation treatments, most of the outer layer of the face or forehead skin is slightly to the surface, using light. The result? Dry tough times can be searched, acne scars and age spots diminishes, even rupture of blood vessels treated. New fresh glowing skin is released into the daylight, while the finer lines, "crow's feet and wrinkles are significantly reduced. You'll get no pain treatments, repeated weekly, without any significant downtime, plus you avoid discomfort and health risks of surgery.

 Exfoliation, astringent : Over 100 years of history supports the variety of chemical peels available now astringent and non-surgical facelift improvements. Think of sun damage, age spots, acne scars, and fine lines as the target for these skin lifting semi-corrosive treatments. Basically, chemical in the astringent lathered faces, allows tissues impregnated higher areas. What happens next is that the outer layer of facial skin tissue simply "separating" from the lower tissues. The most common treatment and is looking in the mirror to a reduction of wrinkles decidedly expensive. And all during the lunch break.
Down milling defects of the skin with dermabrasion : Dry skin healthy even in the rough can make about the impact of treatment of diamond-and-brush burrs and polish the skin dermabrasion impact, and create quite remarkable results in terms of smooth skin and reducing wrinkles. Dermabrasion does not work for skin that is cut, unhealthy or infected with acne bacteria. In addition, people with darker skin need to understand that the outer surface skin of the face is being altered physically with dermabrasion, therefore may result in discoloring or uneven pigment.