Facelifting is an inherent part of plastic surgery and one of the first cosmetic procedures performed. But nevertheless, the general public remains largely misunderstood.
The general public perception of a facelift .... based on television programs and internet ... is a person after surgery to have this one eye bruised his neck and his face wrapped in a heavy bandage ... as having been involved in an accident. And it will take weeks to see even good enough to go out in public. In fact, this belief is quite inaccurate.
Facelift for the name of the surgery is misleading. Not really describe what makes surgery and what are the objectives of the procedure are. More specifically, a facelift should be called a neck lift, chin, because this is what really helps. It is ideal for tightening the neck and cheek lift. The original name for a facelift, rhytidectomy, should be more accurately described as a necklilft or cervicoplasty. (Remodelling of the neck), however, cosmetic surgery and persists name, as it always is embedded in our nomenclature plastic surgery.
Therefore, when you realize that only the neck and throat are affected by the proceeding, many of their misconceptions fade. In isolation as a separate procedure (which half of my 'lifting' patients only have), a facelift does not cause bruising or swelling of the nose up. While many patients get their eyes facelift, forehead, nose and other facial procedures done at the same time, this is not a requirement and is only done if one wants the total face rejuvenated. I think that after a facelift isolated, one can see very well in a week and can be easily in public in a few days with a little makeup on the neck area. No swelling occurs around the eyes to all!
One of the misconceptions good cosmetic surgery is what is actually done in the operation. A cosmetic surgery is on all the layers of tissue and elevation vectors. The lifting of the skin from the underlying tissues by the side of the face (on the cheek area) and around the neck through incisions around the ears and is obvious in any diagram of a cosmetic surgery. And the movement of loose skin back and over the ears at an angle of 45 degrees to the face, probably represents about 80% - 90% of the result created by a facelift. And often this is the only tissue moved in a facelift. This is the simplest, quickest and safest approach. Recent developments have cosmetic surgery to lift the deeper layers of the skin. These deep layer that can be moved independently of the skin, is a special layer of tissue covering the muscle. This tissue, called SMAS is lifted and sutured in a more vertical compared to the direction of skin extract, about 60 degrees usually. Wrongly, the public has the impression that the facial muscles move whichi can not do. At the top of the muscle is the SMAS. There is considerable debate about whether the most profound "version of cosmetic surgery produce better long term results that the movement of the skin only.
The neck, lift jowls, historically known as a facelift, two different layers can lift the sagging facial tissues in two slightly different and backward directions.
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